
School News

Thank you to Tetbury Fire Service

As part of their topic 'People Who Help Us' Cherry and Lime classes enjoyed a visit from Tetbury Fire Service.

They listened to how firefighters help people and what they have to wear to stay safe. Andy and Luke told us all about keeping safe from fires by having smoke alarms and practising how to get out of buildings safely.

Outside, we got to investigate all the tools on the fire engine and how they are used. We even got to spray the hose and sit in the fire engine.

Thank you, Tetbury Fire Service for an amazing afternoon!

YR fire engine


Our Year 5/6 Young Voices choir joined the largest children's choir in the world to pefrom in Birmingham. 

We had an amazing time in Birmingham performing as part of the Young Voices choir.

Highlights included performing the pop and dance medleys as well as watching special guest stars MC Grammar, whose World Book Day rap had everyone dancing, Souparnika Nair, and Tommy Blaise, whose vocals added greatly to our Marley Magic performance.




Happy New Year

We look forward to welcoming all the children back to school on Monday 6th January. 

Jack and the Beanstalk

Yesterday we welcomed Chaplins Panto into school. All the children thoroughly enjoyed a live theatre performance of Jack and the Beanstalk.

It was lovely to see the children so happy, laughing and there were plenty of, ‘It’s behind you!’ moments.

Thank you to the PTFA for helping to fund this special activity.

Each of the DGAT schools created a Christmas video for a bauble on the DGAT digital Christmas tree.  

Click on a bauble below to watch St Mary's Christmas video.  We hope you enjoy it. 

Christmas tree


We are proud of our amazing Forest School environment and the opportunities it brings to all our pupils throughout the year.

Here are our youngest children exploring and having fun during their first session.

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Starting in Reception in September 2025?

Choosing the schoool for your child is a very important decision.

The online application process is now open and you should have received details on how to apply from Gloucestershire County Council. 

Full details on this application process can be found here.

If you have any questions or would like a look around our school please contact the school office on 01666 502275 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to meeting you. 

We have reached the end of the academic year and I would like to thank everyone for all their positive contributions to our school this year.

Our wonderful pupils who have made us smile and laugh everyday, our incredible staff who have worked so hard not only planning and teaching lessons but providing pastoral care, extra curricular activities, residential trips and so many creative and fun opportunities.

I would also like to thank our amazing office team who deal with everything that is thrown at them with good grace, patience and humour. Thank you to the midday supervisors who support the children for that very busy period in the middle of the day and thank you to the Governors who continue to give up their time as volunteers behind the scenes supporting and challenging the school leaders and ensuring that the education we provide for pupils is the best it can be.

To all those parents who over the year have offered their time and energy supporting the PTFA and the school staff through their encouragement and kindness - thank you so much. All of these positive contributions are what keep us going in the busy weeks and make our school the happy, loving community it is.

We have had an action packed last few weeks. Our amazing PTFA raised over £3,000 for the school at the summer fayre. Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the evening. It was a lovely community event and it was so good to see everyone enjoying themselves.

Year 6 put on their final performance of The Greatest Show with some amazing performances and we all enjoyed burgers and hot dogs at the BBQ afterwards.

Year 6 have also had a day out at Bowood on Monday and we all enjoyed the picnic for Poppy yesterday on the field.

Mrs Boswell also did us proud organsing the Race for Life on Thursday.

Thank you to the Year 6 children who after listening to a  worship last week then decided to organise a cake sale completely independently for the charity supporting children in Kibera outside Nairobi in Kenya.

To everyone who has offered a cheery smile in the morning, thank you. A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. On behalf of all the staff we wish you a very, very happy summer.


Mrs J Woolley


We are delighted to be once again taking part in the Tetbury Woolsack Races which return on Monday 27th May. 

Since 1972, Tetbury has hosted the world famous Woolsack Races. A test of strength, where individuals and teams compete, to run up and down the 1 in 4 gradient of Gumstool Hill with heavy woolsacks on their back. 

The races were paused in 2020 due to Covid but prior to that St Mary's children ran in these races every year. We are very much looking forward to doing so again. 


Welcome back to school. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting Term 5 starting on Monday 8th April.

One of our first events is the EYFS trip to Cattle Country on 10th April. 

We are also looking forward to finding out who will be joining us in Reception in September 2024 when the primary school places are allcoated later this month. 

  • leaf
  • royal
  • dolphin
  • sheep
  • heart
  • balls
  • butterfly