
Our Governors

The Governors help us make our school the best it can be. They meet regularly to support the Leadership Team in the decision making process and to ask challenging questions about how well we are doing and how we can improve.

The Governor's Vision for our school incorporates our "Caring, curious, courageous" motto but expands this further.  The reason for this vision plan is so that we as a board can focus on what we expect to see from our staff, children, parents and other stakeholders of our school.  Here is our vision.

The Chair of Governors is Mrs Elizabeth Durning (e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and our Clerk to Governors is Mrs Christine Killey. Our Governors are caring, curious and courageous people who give up their time voluntarily to support the school and we are very grateful for the contribution they make. 

Governor News

We are delighted to have joined the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT) 

DGAT’s vision is to enable all to flourish. They aim to be authentically Christian, boldly passionate about excellence in learning and relentlessly driven in in their aspiration for everyone. This fits well with our school vision of a caring, Christian community where we light a spark of curiosity, build on individual talents and give everyone the courage to live life in all its fullness.

DGAT is a thriving family of forward-thinking schools based in Gloucestershire. Established in 2012, there are 21 primary schools in the DGAT family, located in a mix of rural and urban settings. DGAT is boldly passionate about excellence in learning, for both our staff and our children, and are firm in their belief that every child has a right to experience success in an aspirational, inclusive, caring and supportive environment.

Supporting individual schools to be confident, outward-facing and responsive to the needs of their unique locality is core to DGAT. This is coupled with a strong sense of ‘together we are something more than ourselves’ – they celebrate successes, share good practice and provide support for one another when times are tricky.

A DGAT school is a special place where the uniqueness of an individual school meets the power of collective capacity - together we are stronger as we seek to unlock the potential within our family.

The Trust Board delegates local oversight of its schools to local governing boards. 

Governing Committees

The Local Governing Body will hold a minimum of three full meetings per academic year but will ensure they meet regularly enough to discharge effectively the specific areas of activity and decision making set out in the DGAT Scheme of Delegation

We also have two sub-committees - the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Resources Committee:

The purpose of the Teaching & Learning Committee is to monitor and improve standards of pupil performance and the teaching of the national curriculum. The committee will support and advise and challenge the Headteacher and the Governing Body on the distinctiveness of St Mary's as a church school and on communication and engagement with parents and the community.  The committee will also ensure safeguarding meets statutory requirements.

The purpose of the Resources Committee is to ensure effective use of the school's financial resources, that the premises are fit for purpose and meet relevant health and safety requirements and to provide guidance to the Headteacher on personnel issues.


Our Governors

Each Governor has a specific curriculum responsibility and a defined term of office.

Our Foundation Governors are appointed by the Gloucester Diocesan Board of Education (GDBE).


Gov. Type & Appointing Body

Term of Office 

Committee Membership 

Area of Responsibilty






Teaching & Learning


Jo Woolley



Commenced 01/06/2023


Teaching & Learning


Pete Godfrey




Teaching & Learning


Crispin Auden



01/11/2024-31/10/2028 Resources (Chair)  English
Alix Jepps



 01/11/2024-31/10/2028 Teaching & Learning  
Elizabeth Durning



01/06/2023- 31/10/2026 Chair of Governors  EYFS/Phonics
Mike Avis



01/06/2023-31/05/2025 Resources  

Andy Howell







Colin Rae



01/06/2023- 31/05/2027 Resources 

Health & Safety


Modern Foreign Languages

Lucy Griffiths



01/06/2023-31/05/2027  Teaching & Learning  
Christine Killey Clerk to Governors 01/10/2014    

Our Local Governors follow a code of conduct.  

Governor attendance at committee meetings can be found here


Register of Business Interests

Please see this document for details of the business interests of our Governors. 



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  • dolphin
  • sheep
  • heart
  • balls
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