
Our Parents and Friends

Who are St Marys PTFA?

We are a group of parents, teachers and members of the wider school community who work hard to raise much-needed funds to support the school in providing the best educational experience for St Mary’s children.

What we do?

We organise and run numerous events during the school year for children and families to enjoy whilst raising money to enhance the children's primary school experience. Events include discos, the summer & Christmas fayre, cinema evenings, bingo, quizzes, pamper evenings, BBQs and more.

In 2023_24 we raised an amazing £10,000 which has been used to provide enrichment activities and equipment for children throughout the school.

If you would like to support the school and make a donation please visit our PTFA crowdfunding page.  Here you can control how much to give and whether you set it up as a single or monthly donation.

Why we do it.

The funding received by schools is under increasing strain.  Our fundraising enables the school to offer an additional range of exciting and engaging experiences and resources. Over recent years the PTfA funds have helped to pay for a new Trim Trail, iPads, a visiting pantomime, equipment for gardening club, electronic spellcheckers, under-water cameras and the very popular Space Dome!

In 2023_2024 we funded:

  • Some of the school’s stunning wall art
  • Interactive Science day enjoyed by all children
  • Theatre productions for the children at the Barn Theatre and Tetbury Goods Shed
  • The coach to the fantastic Young Voices choir event in Birmingham.
  • The coach for the Year 6 Leavers Cathedral Service and trip to Bowood House
  • Voice 21 Oracy project improving oracy in children. 
  • Trips across the year groups, reducing the amount for parents to pay.  

Fancy joining us?

Committee meetings take place a few times each term and we usually meet in the pub! If you'd rather just help out at events, please let us know and we'd be very happy to add you to our list of volunteers. Any time that you can spare would be gratefully received! It's also a great way to meet parents and friends outside of your child's year group. We’re also keen to hear about any fundraising ideas that you might have.

The PTfA is an efficient & successful fundraising group and we'd love to keep the momentum going for future generations! Our Chairperson is Ellen Guichard and she has two children in Reception and Year 2. Please see our Facebook page for further info @wearestmarys or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can help us raise money by shopping through Amazon Smile

If you select our school as your chosen charity Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases at no cost to you!

Please be careful to select: St. Mary’s Primary School Parents Teachers and Friends Association (Tetbury)

For information on how to set up AmazonSmile please visit:

Funds for the school are also raised through

If you are doing any shopping online, support St Marys Primary by clicking via Easyfundraising to raise money for the school without costing you a penny! It takes only a few minutes to register and link to “St Mary's School PTA – Tetbury”. It costs you nothing and the retailer pays a percentage of your total to our school. Retailers include Amazon, Ebay, John Lewis, Tesco, Expedia, Waitrose, Flybe and many more.




  • leaf
  • royal
  • dolphin
  • sheep
  • heart
  • balls
  • butterfly