School News
KS2 spent a morning at Tetbury's Market House where they were given access to the Meeting Room where the Feoffees have been meeting since 1655.
Read more: Curious Key Stage 2 visit the famous Market House
Excitement and nerves filled the polling station at school today as we voted for our 2014-2015 School Councillors!
Last Friday our Year 6 children, along with Mrs Cartledge, Mrs Lee and Mr Welch, returned from Morfa Bay after an incredible week of fun-filled adventurous outdoor pursuits. Whilst there were some exhausted and bedraggled faces (and that was just the adults!), there was no denying that everybody had had an amazing week which will live long in the memory.
It was our first Wellie Wednesday this week in EYFS and what a great turn out! Mums, dads and baby brothers and sisters joined us on our first walk looking for 'Autumn Leaves.'
The yogini's of St Mary's are getting to grips with their new yoga mats...
This week to celebrate both Harvest and the Tetbury Food and Drink Festival, children in Year 5 have been inventing and making their own delicious varieties of fresh vegetable soup, in our new kitchen area!
Children in years 3 and 4 headed off to Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery to learn more about their exciting topic Pharaoh Nuff.
Our gleaming new school kitchen opened this week and pupils got a first taste of the menu!
You might well be wondering how we are going to teach ICT to the children now we have turned the ICT suite into a kitchen!
Visitors to St Mary's will notice quite a change to the Reception area and the hall this Autumn.