School News
Children throughout St Mary's have been telling tales this week.
Visit from Hugh Pearson who has worked with the BBC Natural History unit.
On Wednesday and Thursday we welcomed three Ofsted inspectors into our school for two days.
On Tuesday 20th January Year 3 and Year 4 went to Cotswold Wildlife Park.
Ofsted Inspectors will be visiting us tomorrow and Thursday.
WOWEEE! What a fantastic turn out for our very first 'Let's Get Physical' session.
Well done to all of the children who represented St Mary's in the large school finals.
On Tuesday 13th January 2015 our Young Voices Choir went to Birmingham to take part in the Young Voices Concert.
KS1 and Early Years lifted the lid on their learning this week. Piers (a stick expert!) came and worked with the children in the forest area and helped them to whittle their own sticks.
Not too many fingers fell off in the process!
On Wednesday 7th January, 2015 the first ever Sir William Romney's Cluster Gymnastic Event was held. Three schools were invited with a total of eight teams competing.