
Jungle Surprise in Yr3/4

This morning our curious, caring and courageoJonathans Jungle 045wus learners in Years 3 and 4 were surprised by a visit from Jonathan's Jungle Roadshow.

Helping their learning in science, the children were able to observe and describe the differences and similarities between and within families of animals. 

Among the invertebrates they met a Millie the millipede, Rosie the gecko, Ruby the tarantula and Goldie the Taiwanese Beauty snake.

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The children enjoyed touching and handling the animals and impressed Jonathan with their interesting questions.

Eleanor asked a question about Millie (above) who in self defence covers herself diarrhoea.  She was keen to find out how Millie cleans herself afterwards.  She is cleaned by approximately 150 mites who live on her body.  

At the end of the visit Jonathan said what a pleasure it had been to work with such engaged and motivated children. 

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If your child would like to show you more of the animals who visited today please go to




  • leaf
  • royal
  • dolphin
  • sheep
  • heart
  • balls
  • butterfly