
Our Vision for Science at St Mary’s is that Life should be lived in all it’s fullness (John 10:10) and so science should be full of ‘Wow’ moments! Science should light the flame of curiosity. Science should be fun as we discover more about the world around us. Everybody is inspired by the awe and wonder of God’s amazing world. Click here to view our Vision and Principles for Science teaching at St. Marys.

Children across KS1 and KS2 are taught science concepts taken from the National Curriculum for Science. A core principle of science teaching at St. Mary's is working in role as a scientist, encouraging all children to feel they too could be a scientist. To this end, children take part in a 'TAPS' (Teacher Assessment in Primary Science) lesson each term. These lessons teach children to Work Scientifically across a range different experiments and build on these skills year after year. To see our TAPS progression document, click here TAPS Overview

For further infomation on the topics taught in each Key Stage please click EYFSKS1KS2.

  • leaf
  • royal
  • dolphin
  • sheep
  • heart
  • balls
  • butterfly