
School News

We are very excited to announce that we are currently recruiting for our brand new After School Club - ready to start from early next term.

On Thursday 26th January, 12 children from Years 3 and 4 competed in the annual Key Steps Gymnastics Competition.

The Rainforest came to Years 3 and 4.

We were delighted to receive £200 worth of book vouchers from the Yellow-Lighted Bookshop and their customers this week.

What a treat to see snow this morning.  The children were given slightly longer playtimes this morning so they could enjoy this rare event.

We are excited to share that we are putting plans forward for an After School Club onsite at St Marys. Our aim is to be up and running from September 2017. Watch this space for more details.

Last night, the girls football team headed to Cirencester to take part in a local football festival.

They played with great determintion and a real team spirit. The best news is...THEY WON!! Go the girls!

                GIRLS FOOTBALL

We are very proud of you for being so courageous at the festival. WELL DONE!

Children in KS2 were given the opportunity to play a new sport today – Fiitball.
Fiitball is an exciting new game developed by professional football coaches. It was originally used to improve movement and awareness and became a game in its own right with its own rules and goal unique to the game.
The game looks like a mix of football, netball, American football and basketball with two ways to score.
The children had a fantastic time and the following comments were made from children in Elm Class:

“It was brilliant! It keeps you running around.” Aydin

“I scored! Can we play it as an afterschool club? It really improves your netball and football skills.” Emily

“It was fun!” Niamh

“It improved my coordination skills.” Lucy

fiitball 3



To find out more information please have a look at:


poppy flower isolated 269249371My Life As A Poppy

I feel thankful to be alive.

I gently sway as the blackbirds sing.

The autumn leaves collapsing to the floor.

I can see the toad like frogs jumping

in the pond one by one.

I can feel the cold breeze blowing across my face,

I feel thankful to be alive.


Petrified with despair.

The thick smoke blinding my sight.

As the venomous gas poisons me.

The soilders bloodshod as they trample past me.

I can see the grenades whizzing over me.

I can feel sadness in the air.

Petrified with despair.


by Masha Weerasekara (Yr 6)

  • leaf
  • royal
  • dolphin
  • sheep
  • heart
  • balls
  • butterfly