
Your vote is needed for our Wildlife Pond

We are bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative to create a wildlife pond.  During May and June you will be able to vote in the Tetbury Tesco store for our project.


Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees grants of £5,000, £2,000 and £1,000 – all raised from the 5p bag levy – being awarded to local community projects.

Our plan is to create a wildlife pond within the wooded area which we already use for Forest School with our pupils and local pre-schools. This pond will have a pebbled shallow end to encourage wildlife and a platform extending over the deeper end to enable children to pond dip. The area will also include willow screening, picket fencing and wild grasses and flowers.

This project will create a rich learning resource which will encourage children to spend more time outdoors exploring natural environments. It will not just be used by the pupils of St Mary’s but also available to children from the local pre-schools and local Scout and Guide organisations. Please help by voting for this project.

  • leaf
  • royal
  • dolphin
  • sheep
  • heart
  • balls
  • butterfly